James7's Blog

Ubuntu Lynx on an Acer Aspire 5536 laptop

Posted in Uncategorized by james7hall on May 1, 2010

The problems I noted in an earlier post with the same laptop on Karmic have mostly been solved (as far as I can tell!).

The only thing I thought I should mention is that we still have the problem with the mousepad scrolling. It can be fixed the same way as in Karmic:

Issue: Trackpad can scroll down but not up!

The following procedure solved the problem for me:

1. Open a terminal (Applications –> Accessories –> Terminal) and type:

sudo modprobe -r psmouse

You will probably need to enter your password here.

2. Then type:

sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps

3. Then type:

cd /etc/modprobe.d/

4. Then type:

sudo gedit options

5. In the editor, type:

options psmouse proto=imps

6. Save it, and now the change will activate every time your re-start your system.

If anyone has run into other problems and/or solutions, please tell me!